



1. 当论文中需要提及身障人士时

当提及身患残疾的人时,建议尽量避免突出他们的身体状况直接使用“disabled person”“handicapped person”等词。可参考的描述是:“a person with disability” (一位身障人士)或“a person with hearing loss”(一位听力损失者 )等。

另外,当提到非残疾人时,避免使用“normal”(正常人) 或“typical”(典型群体)之类的术语,而可以斟酌使用“individuals without disabilities”或“people without disabilities”这样的短语。


Students with disabilities often encounter distinct challenges in academic settings. These can range from physical barriers like inaccessible buildings to difficulties accessing educational materials in suitable formats. In contrast, students without disabilities typically navigate the educational environment with fewer hindrances.


2. 当论文中需要使用有性别指向的名词

“man” 或以“-man” 结尾的词都明显指向男性,因此对非男性群体不够具有包容性,论文中最好避免使用²。我们可以用中性词来代替。例如,提到人,用“person”或“individual”代替“man”;提到人类,用“humanity”或“human beings”代替 “mankind”。

提及某个特定职业的人群时,要更注意使用中性描述。例如,提到警察,用“police officer“代替“policeman”;提到主席,用“chairperson”代替“chairman”。


  • 带有性别指向的描述:

The chairman oversees the company’s operations.

  • 用包容性语言进行描述

The chairperson oversees the company’s operations.

3. 当论文中需要使用代词时³


  • 不要只用he,要把she也加上

避免写:Early career researchers need mentors. He can learn the secrets to making an impact in academia with someone more experienced. (早期的职业研究人员需要导师, 可以从这些更有经验的人身上学到如何在学术界产生影响。)

建议写:Early career researchers need mentors. He or she can learn the secrets to making an impact in academia with someone more experienced. (早期的职业研究人员需要导师, 可以从这些更有经验的人身上学到如何在学术界产生影响。)

  • 省略代词

避免写: We returned his manuscript two days after submission.(我们在他投稿两天后退回了他的稿件。)

建议写:We returned the manuscript two days after submission.(我们在投稿两天后退回了稿件。)

  • 使用复数形式

避免写: When an author revises his manuscript, he should consider the feedback provided by the peer reviewers. (当作者修改他自己的论文时,他应该考虑同行评审的反馈。)

建议写: When authors revise their manuscripts, they should consider the feedback provided by the peer reviewers. (当作者修改他们自己的论文时,他们应该考虑同行评审的反馈。)

4. 当论文中需要描述年龄时

一般来说,若非必要,尽量避免提及年龄。在学术写作中,建议使用更宽泛的归类方法来区分不同年龄的人⁴比如infants(婴儿)、children(儿童)、young adults(年龄较小的群体)或older adults(年龄较大的群体)等。这种表达更具包容性,尊重了各个年龄段的个体。



  1. University of Idaho Inclusive Writing Guide. (n.d.). https://www.uidaho.edu/brand/print-digital-content/inclusive-writing-guide
  2. UNC-Chapel Hill Writing Center. (2023, December 8). Gender-Inclusive Language – The Writing Center. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/gender-inclusive-language/
  3. Leu, P. (2020, July 2). Academic Writing: How do we use gender-inclusive language in academic writing? – Explorations in English Language Learning. Explorations in English Language Learning. https://englishexplorations.check.uni-hamburg.de/academic-writing-how-do-we-use-gender-inclusive-language-in-academic-writing/
  4. Inclusive writing | York St John University. (n.d.). York St John University. https://www.yorksj.ac.uk/brand/our-writing-style/inclusive-writing/#age